Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome Blogosphere :) :D

Hello World...!! :)

i am Raghunath Babu T J doing final yr electrical engg @ anna univ..!!

this is my first post.. dunno how to pen this start with i am a simple cool trustworthy guy..very lazy, love movies and comp games...determined & daring.. i like challanges in LIFE and i like to live it the fullest...i do not worry over the dead past or care about the future...the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.....i hate flattery and lies....i like to mak a lot of fun with friends..!

happy to land up in this "blogosphere" :P...

source : About Me-> Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V and some editing ;) :P

I am very happy to start my blog, when the LITTLE MASTER - Sachin Tendulkar is on his way firing his first 200.!!! Sachin Rockzz forever.! :) ;)

welcome all once again :)


  1. Machan....if u need to add twitter updates to your blog, u have to make them public...Its asking me for a username and password....or else use the twitter widget in twitter site itself

  2. hey !good start indeed.welcome to blog club(lol).started with a star icon?all the best for the future icon.

  3. The world knows you are a genius. Reassertion is not necessary, I feel ;-)
